Course Registration (2025-26)

Registration videos

Helpful items

Elective videos

Elective course descriptions

  • Academic Acceleration (AA) provides academic support by giving students extra study/work time. Also, core subject teachers have the option to pull struggling students into their classrooms during AA to provide additional help.
  • Engineering and Technology Education (ETE) allows students to explore various aspects of technology. Areas of study include CO2 dragsters, electronics, rocketry, robotics, inventions, balsa truss structures, and more. Students are introduced to shop safety practices with hands-on exposure to tools and equipment. There is a $25 course fee for materials. Eighth graders are given priority when scheduling students into this class.
  • Forensics (Intro/JV): The goal of this program is to develop students who have strong interpersonal and organizational communication skills; who have a love and appreciation for the performing arts; and who demonstrate creativity, teamwork, empathy, a love of learning, and a strong work ethic. We strive to be the pinnacle of student success not only in Forensics, but also in the areas of leadership, social service, and academics. There is a $25 course fee that covers the team t-shirt, a performance notebook, and the copying of materials/scripts needed for performances.
  • Intro to Debate is a foundational course for competitive debate. Students learn the importance of persuasion and how to construct arguments. They engage in formal/informal group discussions and formally structured debate, providing opportunities to travel to state competitions. A $25 course fee covers supplies. Prerequisite: minimum C average in previous English class
  • JV Debate expands students’ knowledge of debate, persuasion, and argument construction. They learn to conduct their own research to utilize during debates. Students must compete in 2 or 3 competitions per semester. Prerequisite: Intro to Debate
  • Physical Education is a coeducational course in which students develop neuromuscular/physical skills and fitness; understand rules and strategies; and make good use of leisure time. Opportunities are provided for both individual and team performance.
  • Visual Art I teaches basic drawing methods, color mixing theory, painting techniques, and 3-D design. Students explore specific artists, styles, and art periods while experimenting with pencil, oil pastels, paint, and clay. Visual Art II adds new techniques, processes, and media through mask making, photography, and other projects. Students learn more about the creative process through visual problem solving, brainstorming, and reflection. These entry level courses prepare students for high school art courses. Each course has a $20 art studio fee.
  • Choir: Whether you are a beginning singer or more advanced, you can be a part of the choir family as we perform, learn, grow and have lots of fun! We do a great deal throughout the year, such as All Region Auditions and Clinic, concerts for family and friends, Fearless Friday performances, a Choral Performance Assessment competition, and an end of year trip to Magic Springs!
  • Instrumental Music allows students to become successful musicians for the instruments they are assigned. Seventh grade band students are placed in a class with only their instrument. Eighth grade students are placed in one combined band class to begin readiness for the Cabot High School band program.
  • Athletics: All sports require a yearly sports physical exam for participation as well as completion of the district athletic forms, which can be done through

2025-2026 course selection handbook

The course selection handbook can be used to help you make course selections (grades 9-12), as well as to review graduation requirements, honors program requirements and information about grading. Parents and students are encouraged to study the course selection materials and choose courses for the following year with an overall plan in mind.